Friday 5 September 2014

24 Tips to avoid in Public Speaking

You wonder why most people find it difficult to stand before public to give a speech or perhaps cannot communicate very well during public presentation. This is actually one of the worst human fears, people fear of being humiliated whenever they fail during public speaking. To conquer this fear and give a powerful presentation, these tips must avoided during public speaking:

1. Talking too rapidly.
2. Speaking in a monotone.
3. Using too high a vocal pitch.
4.  Not smiling enough when talking.
5. Talking and not saying much.
6. Presenting without enough emotion or passion.
7. Using too many "big" words.
8. Using abstractions without giving concrete examples.
9. Not explaining the meaning of words and expressions.
10. Using unfamiliar technical jargon.
11. Not introducing the message and its relevance clearly
12. Using poor grammar.
13. Talking so quietly that people cannot hear.
14. Using slang or profanity.
15. Talking without preparation or knowledge of the topic.
16. Disorganized and rambling performance.
17. Not making proper eye contact with listeners.
18. Fidgety behavior that distracts the listeners.
19. Talking down to the audience.
20. Indirect communication i.e. beating around the bush.
21. Not summarizing and concluding the message clearly.
22. Failing to use visual aids to illustrate points.
23. Insulting the audience intelligence.
24. Not asking for action.

Source: Peter Urs Bender


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